Cause Description

MJ Alumini Covid-19
The Head winds from COVID-19 have wreaked havoc in a all our lives. However, not all havoc is created equal. Those at risk – the Front-liners, the Sick and the less Fortunate seek critical means and resources to survive this pandemic.
With your support, we can save lives at least by springing to their defense with protective equipment, Hygiene kit donations and other critical equipment needed urgently.
+1(512)200-5263 Zameer Mohammed,Austin,TX[ECE95]
+1(916)296-7561 Osman Mohammed,Folsom,CA[ECE96]
DR SHAFI,DIRECTOR,M.D.Consultant Internal Medicine
Help Mujeeb Fight Cancer
For a normal person, any kind of illness is a havoc. Apart from family support, the medication, hospitalization, medical procedures etc. burden him with a heavy expense. And having to undergo a surgical procedure is always a nerve-wracking experience. Whether you stay in a hospital for 1 day or 1 month, the cost of feeling better can be exorbitant. But the mountain of bills on top gives enough stress to make one break. Also, the costs associated with physiotherapy. wheelchairs, power-chairs, and other mobility-related items and services can be expensive and difficult to obtain.
If this is the situation for a normal person, just imagine, what happens to a person who can’t afford even the part for the treatment. He may be denied the treatment or won’t get the proper treatment. And in reality patient is not the only one to suffer, but the whole family suffers and sometimes scattered like dust.
UVA has been upfront helping these needy ones who are unable to afford the treatment owing to the high cost. Over the years we have helped many patients and currently many projects are going on. UVA strives to make the difference by providing the support for such cases by raising funds through our donors or setting up fundraising pages on crowdfunding websites.